News: 10th November 2020

Duncan's Lecture for the Moscow Design Museum

The Circular Economy: Designing for the age of emergency (s)

Online lecture for the Moscow Design Museum by Duncan Baker-Brown
Date: Thursday 12th November at 16:00pm
Available on: Moscow Design Museum YouTube channel
Sponsored by: Durat

This Thursday Duncan will be delivering a live lecture on behalf of the Moscow Design Museum. The lecture will be available to stream via the above You Tube channel. Full details on the lecture can be found here.

“From now on the practice of architecture has to be a vehicle to effect positive behavior change. We have to move on from being an agent of “The Modern Project” with its “twin killers” 1 of continued progress and growth. A project whose main benefactors are currently very busy plotting ways to convince humans in lockdown to go back to consuming Planet Earth’s natural resources and get back to ‘business as usual’ despite the fact that this strategy actively contributes towards accelerating the Climate and Ecological Emergency. Why do we continue to believe these hard-nosed, neoliberal, rightwing, head-cases? How can award-winning architects pledge their commitment to ‘Architects Declare’ one minute and get back to business as usual the next?”